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adopt an overall point of view中文是什么意思

用"adopt an overall point of view"造句"adopt an overall point of view"怎么读"adopt an overall point of view" in a sentence


  • 树立全局观点


  • To investigate the higher education management from the perspective of the systematic theory , we should adopt an overall point of view of higher education , and set up ideas of reform and innovation , guidance and open to the outside
  • Early in 1920s , liang shih - chiu discovered that china ' s modernization process was comprehensively deficient , materially , institutionally and culturally , thinking that if china ' s modernization process would not change its fundaments and custom , pursue a grander scope and adopt an overall point of view , china would not be saved , even if there would be more talents in the country
    早在20世纪20年代,梁启超就看到了中国现代化进程不足的全面性,从器物、制度到“文化根本上”均“感觉不足” ,认为中国的现代化进程若“不变其本,不易其俗,不定其规模,不筹其全局” ,那么,就算中国人才再多,也于救中国之目标无望。
用"adopt an overall point of view"造句  
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